14 พฤศจิกายน 2551
Report of performance for September 30, 2008 compared 2007
November 14, 2008
Subject: Report of performance for the period ended September 30, 2008
compared with September 30, 2007
Attention: Managing Director
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited hereby reports the performance for the
three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2008 compared with the
same period of last year as presented in the consolidated statement of income
according to the presentation of financial statements identified in Thai
Accounting Standard No. 35 published by the Federation of Accounting
Professions as follows:
Operating results
For the three-month period ended September 30, 2008, the operations of the
Company and subsidiaries had net loss of Baht 28.84 million. After attributing
net profit to minority interest of Baht 1.78 million, net loss of the Company
was Baht 30.62 million, decreased from the same period of last year by Baht
20.24 million.
For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008, the operations of the
Company and subsidiaries had net profit of Baht 213.67 million. After
attributing net profit to minority interest of Baht 9.42 million, net profit
of the Company was Baht 204.25 million, resulted from gain on sales of land
Baht 170.16 million, after deducting expenses and taxes, and operating profit
of Baht 34.09 million, detailed as follows:
1. Revenue from sales and services
For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008, revenues from sales and
services increased from the same period of last year by Baht 266.24 million,
or 12%. The increment resulted from the operation from hotel business
increased by Baht 208.89 million (approximately 80% from Dusit Thani Manila
in Philippines where its renovation started in mid year 2006 was completed in
late year 2007 and 20% from other hotels of Dusit and Royal Princess Groups),
and other revenues from office building, spa, training, and culinary school
increased by Baht 57.35 million (approximately 40% from office building after
completion of renovation in late year 2007 and its increment of rental rate
and 49% from culinary school which incorporated on August 11, 2006 and
operated since August 2007).
2. Management service income
For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008, management service
income was Baht 80.63 million, similar to the same period of last year which
was Baht 80.51 million.
3. Gain on sales of property, premises and equipment
In May and August 2008, the Company had sold land in Chiang Mai, and had
gain Baht 170.16 million, after deducting expenses and taxes.
4. Interest income
For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008, interest income
decreased from the same period of last year by Baht 4.93 million, or 54%
because the Company and subsidiaries had partially repaid loan principals and
used of fund for renovating the hotels, as such deposit at financial
institutions decreased and interest income decreased accordingly.
5. Cost of sales and services
The Company and subsidiaries had cost of sales and services amounted to
Baht 1,279.08 million, or 53% of revenue from sales and services, which its
portion similar to the same period of last year, which had cost of sales and
services amounted to Baht 1,159.90 million, or 54% of revenue from sales and
6. Selling and administrative expenses
The Company and subsidiaries expenses increased related to advertising and
promotion for re-branding, implement and development of central reservation
system and employee expenses including the expenses of Le Cordon Bleu Dusit
Co., Ltd., culinary school, incorporated on August 11, 2006 and operated since
August 2007. As such, the selling and administrative expenses were amounted to
Baht 741.93 million, increased from the same period of last year by Baht 97.28
7. Depreciation and amortization
After the renovation of hotels under Dusit and Royal Princess Groups were
completed and started calculating depreciation, therefore, depreciation of the
Company and subsidiaries for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008 was
amounted to Baht 451.90 million, increased by Baht 71.01 million, or 19% from
the same period of last year which was Baht 380.89 million.
8. Interest expenses
For the nine-month period ended September 31, 2008, the Company and
subsidiaries had interest expenses amounted to Baht 54.15 million, decreased
from the same period of last year by Baht 13.88 million, or 20%. Such
interest was paid to financial institutions for borrowings of the Company and
subsidiaries for their hotel renovation. During the period, the Company and
subsidiaries partially repaid their loan principals, as such, interest
expenses decreased.
9. Income tax
The income tax presented in financial statements for the three-month and
nine-month periods ended September 30, 2008 was calculated at the rate of 30%.
Financial position
The consolidated balance sheet of the Company and subsidiaries as of
September 30, 2008, total assets was Baht 5,993.16 million, decreased from
December 31, 2007 by Baht 522.05 million. The major decrement resulted from
current assets; cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments decreased
because of the payment of dividend, loan principals and renovations and
non-current assets; property, premises and equipment - net decreased because
of depreciation and selling of land in Chiang Mai and prepaid rental of land
and building exceeding one year-net decreased because of amortization during
the period.
Total liabilities was Baht 1,839.01 million, decreased from December 31,
2007 by Baht 562.47 million resulted from the repayment of long-term loan
during the period. The debt to equity ratio as of September 31, 2008 was
0.47:1. In addition, the unappropriated retained earnings was Baht 1,340.61
million, and book value was Baht 46.48 per share.
Additional clarification
According to the new and amendments to Thai Accounting Standards (TAS) by
the Federation of Accounting Professions which are mandatory for the accounting
periods beginning on or after January 1, 2008 as described in Note 1.10 to the
financial statements, the Company's management assessed and determined that the
revised TAS do not impact significantly to the financial statements being
presented, except TAS 35 "Presentation of financial statements" has affected
the presentation of minority interest and other disclosures as discussed in
Note 2 to the financial statements for the period ended September 30, 2008.