11 สิงหาคม 2548
Report of financial Statements June 30,2005 Compared to 2004
Subject: Report of financial statements for the period ending June 30, 2005
Compared to June 30, 2004
Attention: Director and Managers,
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited hereby reports the consolidated
financial statements for the quarter and six-month period ended June 30, 2005
compared to the restated financial statements ended June 30, 2004. The
restatement of 2004 financial statements was caused by the adjustment of income
tax expenses of Dusit Thani International Co., Ltd. which had received dividend
from Philippines where there is Double Tax Treaty with Thailand. Accordingly,
Dusit Thani International Co., Ltd. is able to credit both corporate income tax
and withholding tax in Philippines. However, such tax credit amount should not
exceed the tax paid in Thailand. As a result of such adjustment, 2004 net
income increased by Baht 27.05 million and the balance sheets as of 31 December,
2004 had been adjusted in unappropriated retained earnings Baht 24.29 million.
Nevertheless, withholding tax paid in Philippine as amounted Baht 13.74 million
can not be refunded, therefore an unappropriated retained earnings increased
only by Baht 10.55 million.
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited is hereby reporting the
operating results of consolidated financial statements as follows:
Profit and Loss
The second quarter of 2005, the company and its subsidiaries had the
total revenue of Baht 612 million, increasing from the same period of last year
by Baht 67 million or 12.41%. For the first six-month of 2005, the company and
its subsidiaries had total revenue Baht 1,365 million, increasing from the same
period of last year by Baht 153 million or 12.59%,as overall sales and services
revenue of most hotels increased.
For the second quarter of 2005, the company had net income Baht 2.28
million compared to the adjusted statements of income from the same period of
last year, net income decreased Baht 19.41 million or 89.46%. Net income of
the six-month period of 2005 was Baht 133.64 million, decreasing from the same
period of last year, after adjustment, Baht 17.99 million or 11.86%.
In spite of the total revenue increase, a decrease in net income was
driven by an increase of selling and administrative expenses for the second
quarter of 2005 by Baht 69 million and the six-month period of 2005 by Baht
95 million.However, 51.4 million of an increase of selling and administrative
expense in the six-month period of 2005 were extraordinary items, including
corporate income tax, VAT included tax penalty and additional tax from Revenue
Department assessment from year 2000 to 2002 totaling Baht 25.9 million, the
adjustment of corporate income tax and additional tax in year 2003 and 2004,
totaling Baht 5 million, accrued property tax in 2004 obviously less than the
assessment by Baht 5 million, Baht 5 million reserved for retired employee in
year 2004 and Baht 10.5 million from pre-opening expenses of D2, Chiangmai.
On the other hand, on increase in direct operating expenses come from
advertising and sales promotion, especially for Miss Universe Ceremony in
May 2005, the company spent more than Baht 10 million for advertising and
promotion. In addition, with having any other advertising and sales promotion
expenses in order to stimulate sales revenue for the company in respect of
present and for future prospect.
Besides, the depreciation expenses also increased by Baht 16.3 million for
the second quarter of 2005 and increased by 32.3 million from hotel renovation.
Meanwhile, the interest expenses for the six-month period of 2005 was less than
the same period of last year due to in 2004 Korat Thani Co., Ltd. recorded the
interest expenses with default rate.
Balance Sheets
Total assets of the company and its subsidiaries as at 30 June, 2005 had
amounted to Baht 5,169 million, an increase from 31 December, 2005 by Baht
513 million, as a result of the last rental installment payable to Crown
Property Bureau of Baht 380 million and hotel renovation. Simultaneously, the
liabilities increased by having additional loan, increased totaling Baht 484
million, debt to equity ratio was 0.39:1. Besides, the company had
unappropriated retained earnings Baht 696 million, the balance unappropriated
retained earnings was Baht 560 million after treasury common shares had been
deducted. The book value equivalent to Baht 43.39 per share.
Sincerely yours,
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited
(Mrs. Sinee Thienprasiddhi)
Director and Secretary to the Board of Directors