20 ตุลาคม 2546
Form For Reporting Share Repurchases on October 17, 2003
Form for Reporting Share Repurchases
In the case where repurchasing the company's own shares is for financial management purposes.
Company Dusit Thani public Company Limited
Date October 17,2003
1. Procedure for repurchasing shares
../.. on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
The due date of the share repurchase project December 30,2003
(This process of share repurchase must be completed within 6 months)
..... General offer
2. Share repurchasing for financial management purposes
2.1 Date of the resolution of the board of directors to undertake share repurchases
September 18,2003
2.2 The results of the share repurchase
Total Number of shares purchased 4,500,000 Shares of equal to 5.29% of paid-up
Date of Number of shares Repurchase Lowest Total Commission
Repurchase repurchased or highest price price after tax
(baht/share) (baht/share) (Baht) (Baht)
October1-16,2003 1,554,100 42.00 41.50 65,210,900 169,548.37
October17,2003 100,500 42.00 41.75 4,220,875 10,974.28
1,654,600 69,431,775 180,522.65
2.3 Cumulative number of shares repurchased
Cumulative number of shares repurchased to date(including item 2.2) 1,654,600 shares
Or equal to 1.95% of paid-up capital which is 69.43 Million baht in total.
The company certifies that the information contained in this report and attached documents are
true and complete in all respects.
(Miss.Amars Kulworasreth)
Group Director Of Treasury