19 กันยายน 2546
Share Repurchase Disclosure Form
Share Repurchase Disclosure Form
In the case where repurchasing the company's own shares is for
financial management purposes.
(Under Section 66/1 (2) of the Public Company Limited Act)
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited
Date September 18,2003.
We,Dusit Thani Public Company Limited, hereby notify the Stock Exchange
of Thailand of the resolution of the board of directors, no. 6/2003, held on
September 18,2003 regarding approval of a proposed share repurchase for
financial management purposes, with the details as follows:
1. The share repurchase project
1.1 The maximum amount for the share repurchase is 193,500,000 baht.
1.2 Number of shares repurchased 4,500,000 shares (at par value 10.00
baht per share) or equal to 5.29 % of the total of paid-up capital.
1.3 Procedure used for the repurchasing of shares
...X... on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
....... offer to general shareholders at the price of........ baht per share
( the price being the same)
The repurchase period will be started from October 1,2003 to December
Remarks : The company has to disclose the proposed share repurchase not
later than 14 days prior to the date on which the shares will be
1. When a share repurchase scheme is by way of purchasing from
the SET, the implementation period shall not exceed 6 months.
2. In the case where the offering is from the general shareholders,
the repurchase period shall not be less than 10 days and shall
not exceed 20 days.
1.4 The principle used to determine the repurchase price has taking into account
the average market price during the last 30 days prior to the date on which the
company discloses the shares repurchase information.
The average market price during July 28 to September 17,2003 is 43.27
baht per share. Therefore, the repurchase price is not exceed 43 baht per share.
2. The information of the company
2.1 The company's retained earning and excess liquidity is based on the
Reviewed / Audited Financial Statement as of June 30,2003
- The company's retained earning are 362.5 million baht.
- The company's debts, which shall become due within the 6 months
following from the date on which the shares will be repurchased, is
equal to 116.7 million baht.
- Explain the basis for this ability to repay the abovementioned debts
and specify the source of funds for the repayment The mentioned debt
is current liability of Korat Thani Co.,Ltd, subsidiary company of Royal
Princess Plc. and Dusit Thani Plc. held 60.53% indirectly. At this
moment the such debt is proceeding in Court which expect that within
the next 6 months this case will not be ended.
2.2 The number of minor shareholders (Free float) as in the share
registration book finalized on September 12,2003 equal to 15,545,215 shares or
18.29% of the company's paid up capital. In addition, the company encloses the
report of the company's share distribution herein.
3. Reasons for the proposed share repurchase
The company has excess liquidity
4. Likely impacts after the share repurchase.
4.1 Impact on the shareholders
- Return on equity and net profit per share increase.
- Shareholders may receive higher dividend, as repurchased shares
have no rights to get the dividend.
- Enable the price to stabilize.
4.2 Impact on the company
- Cash decrease.
- Book Value increase.
5. The description of the resale of shares and of the shares written off.
- Procedure for shares resold
..X....on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
..X....by Public Offering
- Period for the resale of share is from July 1, 2004 to December
(after 6 months from the completion date of share repurchase and not
later than 3 years from this time)
- Principle used to determine the resale price.The Company has a policy
to follow the regulations as per the Ministerial Regulations Re : Rules and
Procedures for Share Repurchase,Disposition of Repurchased Shares
and Shares Written off in a Public Limeted Commpany B.E.2544,as
follows :
The Company will dispose all the repurchased shares under this
scheme by offering them on the main board of Stock Exchange of
Thailand or through general public offering under the applicable regulation.
The disposal period may start 6 months after the completion date of the
share repurchase scheme. The price for disposal of shares will be based
on the return on investment and the need of cash for future investments.
In the event, the company does not or is unable to dispose the
repurchased shares within the specify date. The Company will reduce its
capital by writing off of the remaining unsold repurchased shares.
6. Shares repurchased in the past
The final date of the latest share repurchase project None
(The new share repurchase project will be implemented after one year
following the final date of the last share repurchase project)
The company certifies that the information contained in this report and attached
documents are true and complete in all respects.
( Sinee Thienprasiddhi )
Director and Secreatry to the Board of Director
Note : Listed companies must report any resolutions of the board of directors
regarding proposed projects for share repurchase on the date of the
abovementioned meeting or up until 9.00am on the following day of
business via facsimile and the Exchange's ELCID.