Audit Committee Report on Members and Scope of Duties. The Board of Directors of Dusit Thani Public Company Limited held on June 24, 1999 passed resolutions concerning the appointment of a Company Audit Committee. The member of the committee include: Audit Committee Chairman : Professor Hiran Radeesri Audit Committee Member : Mr. Sansern Kraichitti Audit Committee Member : Mr.Sakdi Kiewkarnkha We also attach a signed statement providing complete and accurate personal profiles of the 3 members of the committee. 1. A listed company's Audit Committee, which represents the Board of Directors following duties stated on the charter and must report to the board of directors on: 1. Oversee the company's financial reporting process and its financial information to be correct, sufficient, and credible. 2. Ensure the company has adequate and effective internal control systems 3. To consider and select the Auditor and consider the Audit fee. 4. Ensure the company follows all the relevant regulations and laws. 5. Ensure the company does not engage in any activities that may lead to interest. 6. The committee shall produce an Audit Committee report to be included in company's annual report. The report must be signed by the chairman of the Audit Committee. 7. Consider other matters as defined by the board of directors. 2. The period of service for members are as follows: 2.1 Audit Committee Chairman 3 years. 2.2 Audit Committee Members 3 years. In case of vacancy on the Audit Committee otherwise than by rotation, the Board of Directors shall appoint any person who is fully qualified to act as an Audit Committee member so as to fulfill the specified member of the Audit Committee members. The replacement Audit Committee member shall hold the office only for the remaining term of the Audit Committee member whom he replaces. We hereby confirm these Audit Committee members have the qualifications required by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Remark : The Audit Committee members will select. The Audit Committee Secretary later. Signature________________________ Authorized Director. (Khunying Chaunut Piyaoui)