15 June 1998
June 10, 1998
Subject : Additional clarification regarding the consolidated financial
statements for the first quarter ended March 31, 1998.
To : Directors and Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Dusit Thani Public Co., Ltd. would like to apologize for any
unclarities contained in the Company's consolidated financial statements and
the notice that the difference between the net profit for the quarter ended
March 31, 1998 and the same period last year exceeds 20%, and causing some
confusion and misunderstandings.
In order to clarify any misunderstandings, the Company would like
to provide the following additional details.
a.In conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, the
Company has had to record the profit from disposal of shares in Dusit
Sindhorn Co., Ltd. in the amount of Baht 375.8 million.
1. The Company had invested in Dusit Sindhorn Co., Ltd. in the
amount of Baht 1,103 million from 1995 until March 31, 1998.
2. As of March 31, 1998, Dusit Sindhorn Co.,Ltd. had accumulated
a retained deficit of Baht 738 million, of which Baht 369 million was
attributable to the Company. Thus the Company's investment value in the
consolidated financial statements decreased to Baht 734 million.
3.The Company's actual gain on investment was only Baht 6 million.
However, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles,
the Company was required to record an extraordinary gain of Baht 375.8
million from the sale of its stake in Dusit Sindhorn Co., Ltd. for
a total consideration of Baht 1,110 million.
B.The profit on exchange in the amount of Baht 74.1 million.
The Company's balance sheet indued a US$ 8.6 million unhedged loan
as of December 31,1997, translated at a reference rate of 47.556 Baht = 1
US$. The Thai Baht/US dollar exchange rate as at March 31, 1998 was 39.0807
Baht = 1 US$, causing the Company to record a Baht 72.9 million foreign
exchange gain relating to this unhedged loan.
The Company also recorded another Baht 1.2 million in foreign
exchange profit attributable to Dusit Delaware,Inc., a subsidiary company.
As a result, the net profit of 472.62 million in the consolidated
financial statements for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 represented a net
real profit of Baht 30 million and a Baht 443 million net profit which was
recorded to conform with generally accepted accounting principles.
Khunying Chanut Piyaoui
Chairperson and Managing Director