22 July 1997
Dusit Thani Plc (DTC) divulged resolutions made by the 1/1997
extraordinary shareholder meeting as follows:
1.To certify the minutes at the 4/1997 ordinary shareholder meeting
2.To raise capital increased shares, details are shown below:
2.1 raise from Bt600 m to Bt850 m by issuing 25 m ordinary shares
at Bt10 par value
2.2 allocate all to private placment, Investment Prtnership
Affiliated, which is, The Goldnam Sachs Group LP and/or Goldman Sachs &
Co at the price of Bt30 apiece. If they do not advocate to make this
transaction, the board is authorised to allot those to anothers or
shareholders or others.
3.To approve holding in The Goldman Sachs Groups, LP without filing
tender offer
4.To amend memorundum of association clause 4 as follows:
"Clause 4 Registered capital 850,000,000 baht
Split into 85,000,000 shares
Par value 10 baht each
Categorised into
Ordinary share 85,000,000 units
Preferred share -"